Introduction: The prevalence and incidence varies according to the definition of abuse and where it is detected. In Chile there are numbers of abused children as extreme as 5% (Ministry of Health) and 75% (UNICEF). Objective: Identify, describe and synthesize available for different aspects of child abuse evidence.
Methods: A literature review was conducted of the material available in specialized databases and were selected from a total of 43 items.
Results: Child abuse can be broadly categorized by mode of aggression: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Has physical, neuropsychological , psychiatric and behavioral effects. There are several risk factors, but there are protective factors. The diagnosis should be suspected not only when the patient arrives with clear evidence of abuse, but it is necessary to have a certain degree of suspicion. Prevention is a crucial point to face this phenomenon. To carry it out it is necessary that all the society aware of the phenomenon. Discussion: There should be minimum standards of welfare for children so that their personal dignity is respected. It should do more research on protective factors of abuse, as they play an important role in mitigating risk factors. |