Volumen 13 número 3 - Otubre 2016
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización

Vínculo afectivo materno-infantil: método canguro
Eva Pilar López García
Institución de Sanidad de Castilla y León

Resumen | Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar texto en pdf

Kangaroo care is defined as care for premature babies, keeping skin to skin contact with their mother / father. The close contact between the mother and her newborn baby (RN) is the biological norm of the human species.

The aim of this work is to reflect scientific knowledge on the practice of Kangaroo Method and from this knowledge develop a plan of care focused on it; for this, there has been a literature review documents the current state of nursing scientific production in practice the Kangaroo Method.

Such review was based on the search in the following databases: Cuiden, Pubmed, Cochrane, and Medline Liliacs.

More than two decades of implementation and research have made it clear that KMC is more than an alternative to incubator care. The clear benefits for babies Kangaroo method, gave way to the benefits for any baby.

It is important to provide all health information on KMC, give all the benefits your child to the parents, for this health educcaión in this field is essential.

The conclusions that can be reached after reading all the articles is that the kangaroo method is an effective and easy method of applying that promotes health and well-being both of preterm infants as those born at term ; Additional nursing staff plays an important role in their health education to involve parents by removing barriers and encouraging the use of this technique.

Keywords: kangaroo, nursing, pediatrics, preemie.