Volumen 15 número 2 - Agosto 2018
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Caso Clínico
Sara Laliena Aznar1; Elena Corella Aznar1; Carmen Campos Calleja2; Virginia Gómez Barrena2
1 Médico Interno Residente Pediatría
2 Médico Adjunto Pediatría. Subespecialidad Urgencias Pediátricas Hospital Infantil Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España

Resumen | Abstract | Texto completo HTML | Descargar cuerpo en pdf

Scabies is an infestation produced by Sarcoptes scabiei. Itchy generalized lesions characterized this pathology. The diagnosis is clinical. Compatible symptons presented in some members of the same family are considered diagnostic. The treatment is based in the application of Permetrine 5% in all the cutaneous area.

Key Words: Scabies. Mange. Pruritus. Cutaneous lesions.
Revista Pediatría Electrónica
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ISSN 0718-0918