Volumen 17 número 1 - Abril 2020
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización

Joaquín Díaz1, Alejandro Domínguez1, Natalia Cortés1, Florencia De La Maza1, Dr. Alejandro Velásquez Díaz2
1 Interno medicina Universidad de Chile
2 Pediatra infectólogo, Hospital Roberto del Río

Resumen |Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar cuerpo en pdf

Mumps is a viral infection caused by mumps virus. Clinically, it is characterized by increased parotid volume. The most effective strategy for preventing this infection, has been the implementation of measles-mumps-rubella

(MMR) vaccine in the national immunization program. Among countries with a highly immunized population, like Chile, there has been an important reduction in the incidence of this disease. Nevertheless, despite the effectivity of the MMR, there are reports of outbreaks worldwide, with an epidemiological change, from clinical presentation in childhood, to adolescents and adults. This outbreaks have been studied, and it has been determined that they are due to the waning of vaccine-derived immunity. Regarding strategies for the management of new outbreaks, the administration of an additional dose of MMR, would be an alternative.

Key words: “mumps”; “mumps outbreak”; “vaccine waning”; “MMR”.