Volumen 17 número 2 - Agosto 2020
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización

Andrea Zárate Vergara; Ulfran Castro Salas2; Irina Tirado Pérez3
1.- Medico epidemiólogo, residente de posgrado de Cuidados
intensivos pediátrico, Universidad de Santander, Colombia
2.- Médico pediatra, docente posgrado de Cuidados
intensivos pediátrico, Universidad de Santander, Colombia
3.- Médico epidemiólogo, magister en Cuidados
paliativos pediátricos, residente de posgrado de Cuidados intensivos pediátrico, Universidad de Santander, Colombia

Resumen |Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar cuerpo en pdf

Introduction: Hepatosplenomegaly is the simultaneous enlargement of the liver and spleen, although it is frequent in pediatric age, its literature focuses on an infectious cause, and other causes are important, especially in the afebrile patient.

Method: review of current literature comparing articles from subject reviews. in electronic search in RIMA, MEDLINE, PUB-MED, MEDSCAPE databases, from 1981 to 2018.

Results: Hepatomegaly in afebrile patient can be found in systemic involvement or hereditary diseases, some prevalent or extremely rare, for which reason developed this review to group the causes of this in an afebrile pediatric patient.

Key words: Hepatosplenomegaly, afebrile, pediatrics