Volumen 13 número 1 - Abril 2016
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización

Malformaciones craneofaciales y obstrucción de vía aérea superior: ¿Qué y cómo corregir?
Giugliano V. Carlos1, Gantz V. José Tomás.2
1 Profesor Asociado Universidad de Chile. Docente Universidad del Desarrollo. Director Médico de Fundación Gantz. Miembro Unidad de Cirugía Plástica Clínica Alemana Santiago, Chile
2 Cirujano General; Servicio de Cirugía Hospital Padre Hurtado. Santiago, Chile

Resumen | Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar texto en pdf

Objectives: Review article of the main causes obstruction of the upper airway related to craniofacial malformations.

Method: Literature review, according the obstructive level; nasopharyngeal origin, oropharyngeal, glottal or subglottic and depending on the condition of syndromic or not.

Results: Considered the main clinical features of various diseases, especially those related to the engagement of the upper airway and therapeutic procedure in each. The usefulness of distraction osteogenesis indications, the description of the technique and its results emerged within the described surgical management.

Conclusions: obstruction of the respiratory airway, resulting from a morphological condition and / or functional present in different craniofacial malformations, both in the context of Syndromes and isolation. Proper diagnosis and subsequent management is essential to the survival of patients with this complex condition.