Volumen 14 número 1 - Abril 2017
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualizaciones

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento del derrame Pleural Paraneumónico
Dra. Mónica Saavedra Bentjerodt
Dra. Margarita Aldunate Riedemann
Departamento de Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil Norte. Hospital de Niños Roberto del Río. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Resumen |Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar cuerpo en pdf

Paraneumonic effusion occurs as a complication of pneumonia and in our case corresponds to 2% of respiratory hospitalizations. It should be suspected in patients with pneumonia presenting unfavorable evolution and must be confirmed by imaging tests. The study and drainage of pleural fluid is essential for adequate management and satisfactory evolution, so that thoracentesis and pleural drainage installation should not be delayed. The treatment should be hospitalized with intravenous antibiotics and in most cases the evolution is satisfactory and without sequelae for the patient.

Keywords: pleural effusion, complicated pneumonia, thoracentesis, pleural drainage