Volumen 19 número 2 Agosto y 3 Octubre 2022
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Actualización
Echeverría C, Matías1; García, Carla2; Álvarez, Patricia2; Acevedo, Valeria2.
1 Pediatra Hospital Roberto del Río, Facultad de Medicina Campus Norte, Universidad de Chile.
2 Pediatra Cardióloga, Servicio de Cardiología, Hospital Roberto del Río.

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Introduction: Sudden death in the pediatric population is a rare event and in the vast majority of cases it is due to cardiac causes. Although sudden death may be the first manifestation of underlying cardiac disease, the main etiologies may be suspected from the clinical history, physical examination, or family history. It is for this reason that high suspicion and an adequate approach in pediatric evaluation are essential to achieve timely diagnosis and prevention of sudden cardiac death. Objective: This document seeks to review the literature on sudden cardiac death with emphasis on the role that the pediatrician must play in the early detection of associated pathologies. Methodology: Updated literature review by consulting the Pubmed database, UpToDate and consulting Pediatric Cardiology books. Discussion: A high index of suspicion and early referral to a specialist after a screening conducted in the pediatric consultation can prevent a large number of sudden death events in pediatrics, which are mostly due to cardiac causes. Keywords: sudden death, congenital heart disease, arrhyt.

Revista Pediatría Electrónica
Zañartu 1085, Independencia, Santiago, Chile
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ISSN 0718-0918