Volumen 7 número 1 - Abril 2010
ISSN 0718-0918
Tabla de Contenidos > Revisión

Escroto agudo en el niño
Ignacio Castro A.(a), María Elvira Simian M.(a), Dr. Felipe Castro S.(b)
(a)Alumnos Medicina, Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo
(b)Servicio de Cirugía y Urgencia Pediátrica Hospital Sótero del Río

Resumen |Abstract | Texto completo | Descargar texto en pdf

Acute scrotum syndrome in children is characterized by acute scrotal pain, accompanied by inflammatory signs. The most common causes are torsion of testicular appendages, torsion of the spermatic chord and epididymitis/orchitis. In this review, we describe the clinical features, diagnostic methods and treatment of these pathologies. We also highlight the importance of early differential diagnosis because timely treatment of the spermatic chord torsion reduce the risk of necrosis in the affected testes.